Nursing School Week by Week

Season 2

Jan. 11, 2022

8 Secrets to Success in Nursing School

These are the 8 secrets to success I've learned in my year and a half of nursing school. Success is no accident. It takes hard work, but it helps to hear tips from someone who's gone before you on this journey. #1: Take advan...

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Dec. 3, 2021

Heart Failure

Even as nursing students in clinicals, we see so many patients affected by heart failure. This is definitely a biggie, and one you need to know. Today I'm breaking it down, and hitting the highlights of what you need to know ...

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Sept. 12, 2021

My INSANELY Effective Study System

T oday I’m sharing with you my insanely effective study system that I use for nursing school. This is a study system that is big on active learning, and NOT passive, time-wasting things. I’m NOT talking about re-reading or re...

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Aug. 10, 2021

You Need These Study Apps

"There's an app for that!" There's an app for everything, and today I’m talking about the top 3 apps you need as a nursing student. I’m about halfway through my nursing school program, and I am telling you - these apps have s...

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July 8, 2021

6 Reasons You Should Work During Nursing School

Deciding whether or not to work while you go to nursing school can be a difficult decision. Should you focus on studying? Should you get the experience of working? Today we’re talking about 6 reasons why you should work durin...

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April 18, 2021

Chronic Kidney Disease

What do you need to know as a nursing student about Chronic Kidney Disease? T oday I'm going to be talking about chronic kidney disease. When a patient has a problem with their kidneys, it can either be an acute problem or a ...

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April 4, 2021


Let's talk about Cirrhosis! Learn about the signs and symptoms, the complications, and what you, as the nurse, can do about it. Over 44,000 people die every year from cirrhosis, so it’s the 9th leading cause of death in the U...

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March 21, 2021

Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism

T his week, the most high-yield topic is hyper and hypothyroidism. You’ll see a lot of your test questions coming from this subject. I’m gonna talk about hyperthyroidism first, and then I’ll cover hypothyroidism. So, What is ...

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